Thursday, March 26, 2009

District 80 Area L1 Toastmasters Competition

24 March 2009

Time flies. I remember that I participated in the District 80 Area L1 Toastmasters competition last year. I had joined Toastmasters for a brief period and was asked to represent the club in the English prepared speech competition. It's a pity there isn't any English competition this year.

I rushed down from school and reached in time to assume my duty as a photographer.

The contestants were well prepared and spoke with their unique style. There was much to learn - from the blunders and beauties of their presentation.

Weiquan and Adelene represented Kg Chai Chee CC Toastmasters Club and did us proud.

I'm beginning to like the Toastmasters culture. It's a place where everyone gathers to learn from one another and where it's perfectly alright to make mistakes.

Attendees (who stayed back for the photo-taking):

The Kg Chai Chee CC TMC Family:

Log onto today to realise your speaking potential. Kg Chai Chee CC Toastmasters Club is a unique bilingual Toastmasters Club!

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