Sunday, April 15, 2007

Ticket for National Achievers Congress 2007

My mentor recently just gave me a ticket to the National Achievers Congress (NAC) 2007. He had gone for one NAC event before and told me it is a powerful seminar that would benefit me a lot.

The NAC ticket is a GOLD seating arrangement, which is the area right behind the VIP seats. The other category would be GENERAL seating arrangement which formed the bulk of the area in the hall.

The theme this year is "Power of Success -- Fight On, Don't Quit Until You Win". NAC 2007 will feature speakers such as Mark Victor Hansen (author of Chicken Soup), Stephen Pierce, Andrew Matthews, Dr Clemen Chiang, T. Harv Eker and many more. All of them are World Class Speakers and have seen success in their respective fields. The sharing of their experiences on how to succeed and their knowledge would certainly be overwhelming.

In that year when my mentor attended the NAC seminar, former President of the United States, Bill Clinton appeared as a guest speaker. I wonder who it would be this year.

I would seriously like to thank my mentor for giving me a chance to attend the seminar. I am looking forward to blog the event come this May. Thank you, mentor!

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