Monday, May 13, 2019

YSEALI PFP Day 12: Happy May Day

1 May 2019

Arrived early in the neighbourhood of the Inter-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN), 2744 West 63rd Street, where I would be joining Vaughn Bryant, Director for the Communities Partnering 4 Peace (CP4P) Program at the CP4P Executive Committee meeting. CP4P, facilitated by Metropolitan Family Services, comprised a network of 8 other community organisations which are working on violence reduction programmes in 9 communities. I attended a training conducted by the Metropolitan Peace Academy for CP4P case managers and social workers two days earlier.

Chicago Public Library

The uber driver who got me there was an Algerian who, like many of his friends, had decided to call America his home. He got to know of the opportunities and accustomised to Chicago as he was plugged in to the Algerian community within Chicago. Someone said Chicago is a cultural hodge podge, with diverse groups of communities which had roots from countries all over the world.  

But within this diversity, segregation, in terms of housing, is very stark and apparent. The neighbourhood where IMAN was situated is predominantly African American households.

I can't help but to feel a different vibe in this neighbourhood. I entered a convenience store at the petrol kiosk and noticed the metal grilles and thick glass that separated the cashier with customers. I came in to hear an ongoing dispute, seemingly between a customer and the cashier, while a group was lingering around. I bought a honey lain pastry for breakfast, and promptly left. Healthy food was limited.

Campaign posters 

Chairperson of the meeting called the meeting to order and got attendees to do a check-in on how we were feeling and assign a score to it. When it came to my turn, I said, "Full Score!" since it was May Day! And wished everyone a Happy May Day :)

Learnt that there were 48 shootings in April 2019, the highest in a month since 2013.

A member shared about the Lobby Day, which her organisation was preparing for. I would learn that during legislative hearing days, some organisations, groups or even individuals might go to the State Capitol Building and advocate their positions/policy preferences to legislative representatives. Some organisations might rally the community to gather at a certain day, the Lobby Day, and have them approach their elected representatives to advocate.

Labour Legislations on a noticeboard

Inter-City Muslim Action Network ((IMAN) Center

Right after the Exco meeting, we met up with my host, Ric, and headed to Springfield, capital for Illinois State, for a hearing by the Illinois State Committee for Public Safety. It was about 3 hours drive from Chicago.

Pulled over for lunch on-the-go

Happy Meal Toys~

Tuned in to the Senate Hearing on Attorney General William Barr' Testimony on Mueller Report

Welcome to Springfield

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) had put up its budget, and Metropolitan Family Services was called as a witness as it would be tapping on a new budget under ICJIA. 

Illinois was the first State to pass a comprehensive set of legislation on Community Law Enforcement Deflection. After the ICJIA introduced itself and its work, and addressed queries from the House Committee, Metropolitan Family Services took the stand. MFS introduced itself, as well as its violence reduction efforts via CP4P. 

Metropolitan Family Services, represented by CEO Ricardo Estrada and CP4P Program Director Vaughn Bryant, addressing queries from the House Committee on Public Safety

It was a good learning experience to witness the Committee proceedings and the perspectives from the House representatives. When it came to budgeting for violence reduction programmes, there seemed to be a contention on resource allocations between Chicago City and the other parts of the State of Illinois. One passed a comment, "The Cook County Sheriff does nothing for me."

Race was also at the forefront of discussions - what is the racial composition of the board? What is the racial composition of the top ten paid employees within the organisation?

While some witnesses had more questions directed to them, others had none, and they took the seats for merely two minutes. That was 3 hours of one-way drive from Chicago, just for two minutes at the stand! 

A housing at Springfield

Clarified questions that I had in the long drive back. Jessica, Director of Government Affairs, Metropolitan Family Services joined us on the way back. We reached Downtown Chicago at about 9.45pm. 

Returned back to accommodation and super glad that fellow Professional Fellow Ivy had cooked seafood noodles for dinner! 

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